Independent Age, has launched a new report about why England needs a Commissioner for Older People and Ageing.
The NPC is one of the four organisations, alongside Independent Age, Age UK and Ageing Better, leading the call for a Commissioner in England, with more than 70 other organisations across the UK also joining the call.
The report outlines how older people aren’t just having to readjust their aims and ambitions but face an uphill battle just to participate in their communities, and in society as a whole.
Their experiences of growing older are shaped by significant barriers that can take over their life – whether that be coping with long-term health conditions or disabilities without the right care and support, experiencing poverty and struggling to make ends meet, dealing with the emotional and financial effects of a bereavement, or facing significant isolation.

Very often, these issues intersect and are worsened by ageism and systems that aren’t built for the diverse community that exists in older age. The result of this for many in later life is a constant feeling of powerlessness, and that they don’t have a voice.
A few key statistics from the report which demonstrate why a Commissioner is needed:
Poverty In 2021–22 more than two million people of State Pension age were living in poverty in the UK (1 in 5). This represents 18% of all pensioners in the UK, and this figure has grown by half a million since 2012. On top of this, there are another 1.1 million pensioners who are financially insecure and live just above the poverty line.
Social care 1.6 million people aged 65+ have an unmet care need.
Employment People aged 50+ who are out of work are twice as likely as younger adults to be long-term unemployed.
1 in 3 older people experience age-based discrimination or prejudice.
Housing 1 in 4 older private renters are in long-term poverty and the number of people aged 55 and over who are renting privately has more than doubled since 2003.
If you haven't signed the petition calling for a Commissioner for Older People and Ageing in England, you can do so by clicking on the below button.
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