The virtual NPC Annual Convention continues
June 29 - 10:30 - 12:00
Generations United: Bridging the Age Gap
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See the programme and details of the speakers below the video of the webinar
Chair & Speakers
Ron Douglas - President, National Pensioners Convention
Denise Burke - Director, United for all Ages
Judith Ish-Horowitz MBE - Founder, Apples & Honey Nightingale Nursery for Toddlers and Older People.
James Lynch - Young RMT activist who supports intergenerational initiatives.
Jan Shortt - General Secretary, National Pensioners Convention
Joy France - Pensioner Poet & ‘Battle Rapper’

Denise Burke
United for all Ages
Denise is the co-founder and director of United for All Ages - a social initiative that brings together young and old within society to fight isolation, loneliness and age segregation. She was also founder and director of The Good Care Guide before its sale, an online resource that allows users and families to independently review childcare and elder care settings across the UK.
Denise has had a long career in the public sector working for local authorities in London and elsewhere at a strategic level to support the delivery of the early years offer and is currently working to deliver the high-profile Government Holiday, Activities and Food Programme
She has long-standing experience and in-depth knowledge of early years and childcare, youth, family issues, early intervention and social care.
Throughout her career she has made substantial impact on national policy and continues to be committed to effect positive change as a ‘greenhouse’ for fresh policy development.

Judith Ish-Horowicz MBE
Co-founder and Director
Apples and Honey Nightingale CIC
Judith is a passionate advocate of multi-generational living, learning and laughing together. As an Early Years educator whose nursery, Apples & Honey visited Nightingale House Care Home regularly for many years, she saw the benefits of intergenerational engagements for all involved at first hand and was delighted when, in September 2017 her dream of starting a nursery in the grounds of the home became a reality and the doors of Apples and Honey Nightingale opened.
Apples and Honey Nightingale CIC, is the first co-located nursery in a care home in England where children and residents meet, learn and interact daily. Judith is the Co-Founder and Intergenerational lead and is excited by the challenge of integrating intergenerational engagements into the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum and ensuring it is therapeutic, purposeful and inclusive for residents and children alike. She is a School Governor, Intergenerational Consultant and, in 2011 was awarded an MBE for Services to Early Years Education.
James Lynch
Young Activist
James, now 22 years-old, left school in 2017, aged 18, having completed his A-Levels, before pursuing a career in the transport industry, something he had his heart set on from a young age.
Currently James working as a chef on-board rail services, and has worked on the frontline in the rail industry for the last 4 years, becoming increasingly engaged and active within the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT).
James has attended two RMT Young Members’ Conferences where he has gained a great deal of knowledge of the union’s main functions and its history of successful activism. He has been very fortunate to have met many influential people who have achieved a great deal as RMT activists for their fellow members, and who possess the necessary and invaluable experience when it comes to fighting for what we want to achieve for their members.
Following on from the experience he has gained from the workplace, James has become increasingly eager to learn about the history and about the change that the industry is working towards with respect to diverse ages in the workplace, particularly in the context of his union; this being one of many reasons why he is so keen to engage with all generations involved.