The NPC is encouraging you to send a Christmas Card to your MP asking for what you would like this holiday season.
It could be a Decent State Pension for All, a National Care Service free at the point of use, a Commissioner for Older People (England) or the 4 demands below from the Warm This Winter Campaign.
Emergency support now - More government help with energy bills to stop people being pushed into poverty this winter.
Help to upgrade homes - Government funding to help people cut their bills through better insulation and new heating systems.
Access to cheaper energy - Rapidly expand cheap renewable energy, in harmony with nature, to lower bills permanently.
to Free us from oil and gas - Stop opening up new oil and gas developments so we're not locked into expensive energy for longer than necessary.
Find out who your MP is
Download the Warm This Winter Christmas Card

Card design by @Chrissy_Hazel_Holmes