The NPC will be making our submission to Ofgem’s final consultation on getting rid of energy bill standing charges before the deadline next Thursday, 20th March.
Together with our colleagues at Fuel Poverty Action, we would like to encourage you to help keep the pressure on Ofgem to bring our bills down.
To make it easier to submit your views to Ofgem, FPA have prepared a model letter or template that you can use or adapt to send to standingcharges@ofgem.gov.uk by next Thursday. You can find more information and the template letter on the Energy for All website here: Demand Ofgem gets rid of standing charges instead of hiding them!
If you would like to read andn complete the full consultation document and form you can find it here: www.ofgem.gov.uk/consultation/introducing-zero-standing-charge-energy-price-cap-variant
FPA and NPC, like other organisations feel the online form makes it hard for people to respond because it is overly lengthy and almost deliberately confusing. But we welcome consumers to make your feelings known, whichever method you choose.
The concern of both our organisations is that while Ofgem appear willing to get rid of standing charges with a set of options, they are actually hiding them in the unit costs so our bills won’t change much.
What we actually need is Ofgem to get rid of standing charges by cutting the inflated costs and profits of energy firms. For example using the extra £3.9bn profit windfall Ofgem gave network operators would halve our standing charges this year!
It demands Ofgem gets our money back from profiteering energy firms and brings our bills down. It also suggests a zero-standing charge option that includes free essential energy to protect everyone, Energy For All.
The deadline is March 20th, so please respond today!
Many thanks for helping keep the pressure on Ofgem and the Government to bring our bills down.