The NPC is pleased to be launching the NPC 250 Club.
For just £2 a month or £24 per annum, you will be entered into a monthly prize draw to the NPC 250 Club.
Your payment buys you one membership number, which enters you into the monthly prize draw. However, you can buy more than one membership number to increase your chances of winning.
The draw will take place each month and the total prize fund will be 50% of the membership fees received that month.
There are 3 prizes. 1st prize will be 50% of the prize fund, 2nd prize will be 30 % of the prize fund and 3rd prize will be 20% of the prize fund.
The remaining 50% will go the NPC to fund our work promoting the interests of retired and older people.
The full rules can be found with the application forms below.
Download the forms
You can also purchase a 1 year membership through the NPC shop.