We need a voice for later life. Older people are a diverse group, and many aren't having the retirement they'd hoped for and so we need to make sure the needs of people in later life are reflected in our society.
Personal Request from
NPC General Secretary, Jan Shortt.
Ask today - it’s vital for you, your children and your grandchildren.
Dear NPC member,
I am writing to ask if you can contact your local MP and personally request that they attend a drop-in meeting at the House of Commons on Monday afternoon 17th April to explain to MPs why we need an independent Commissioner for Older People and Ageing in England.

The four biggest older people’s groups in the UK – Independent Age, Age UK, Ageing Better and NPC - have come together to organise this key information event as part of our joint call for a champion to raise the many issues affecting today’s, and importantly tomorrow’s older people – your children and grandchildren.
Britain has a rapidly ageing population. Today around 1 in 5 of us (11 million) are over 65 - within ten to 15 years that is expected to rise to almost one in four. Yet, the quality of life for the vast majority of pensioners is declining, as costs rise much faster than our income, health and care services fall further into crisis so they can’t cope with demand, and essential services, from buses to bank branches, disappear as everything moves increasingly online.
We need someone to voice our concerns at the highest level. We need an advocate to ensure the UK is the best place to grow old – not the worst.
And that can start with your MP attending our drop-in information meeting in the Attlee Suite in the House of Commons, from 3pm to 5pm on Monday, 17th April.