Led by charities Independent Age, Age UK, the Centre for Ageing Better and campaigning organisation the National Pensioners Convention, the group has today launched its consensus statement on the need for a Commissioner for Older People and Ageing in England.

The Consensus Statement reads:
We call on the UK government to establish a Commissioner for Older People and Ageing in England to act as an independent champion for older people and ensure that policy and practice across government considers the long-term needs of people in later life and the implications of our ageing population on society.
Our society is ageing, and policymakers should embrace this demographic shift. Currently 11 million people are aged 65 or over, and in less than 20 years over 17 million (1 in 4) of us will be over 65. Growing older is a privilege, but an ageing population will require collaboration and joined-up thinking to deliver innovative policy solutions and meet the needs of the future, including alternatives to accessing information and services other than online.
The support people need in later life from institutions like the NHS and social care, and social security systems are critical, but no single government department can respond to these issues alone. A commissioner would facilitate the long-term planning that is needed to ensure our economy and public services are adapting to demographic shifts, while also enabling more people to age well. This would not just benefit older people, but our country as a whole.
A sharper focus on the range of experiences in later life is required. Not everyone enjoys a financially secure retirement – indeed an alarming proportion are struggling to make ends meet – and too often, older people’s rights and interests are forgotten by decision-makers, particularly as we face unprecedented crisis.
But there is an opportunity to fix this. Older people want to be part of the country’s vision, now, and in the future. As our older population becomes increasingly diverse, we believe that older people urgently need a champion at the heart of the government, working alongside the Older People’s Commissioners for Wales and Northern Ireland, to help make the UK the best place in the world to grow old.
Download the Consensus Statement
Further information on the campaign for a Commissioner for Older People and Ageing in England, can be found on:

Consensus Statement Signatories
Independent Age
Centre for Ageing Better
Age UK
National Pensioner’s Convention

National Organisations
Age International
Age UK London
Ageing without children
Alzheimer's Research UK
Anchor Housing
Bakers Food & Allied Workers Union
British Geriatrics Society (BGS)
British Society of Gerontology (BSG)
British Transport Pensioners' Federation
Care England
Carers Trust
Carers UK
Centre for Mental Health
Civil Service Pensioners alliance (cspa)
Civil service retirement fellowship
Dementia Carers Count
Dementia UK
Digital Poverty Aliance
Disability Rights UK
End Fuel Poverty Coalition
Fuel Poverty Action
Hallmark Foundation
Healthwatch England
HomeCare Association
Housing 21
Housing LIN
International Longevity Centre UK (ILC)
Marie Curie
Mental Health foundation
Methodist Homes Association
National association of retired police officers (NARPO)
National bereavement alliance
National Care Forum
National Dignity Council
National Energy Action
National Federation for the Blind
National Federation of Occupational Pensioners
National Union of Journalists
National Union of Mineworkers
Open Age
Opening Doors
Parkinsons UK
Phoenix Insights
Physiological Society
Prospect (Retired Members)
Royal Association for Deaf People
Royal College of Occupational Therapists
Royal Voluntary Service
Shared Lives plus
United for All Ages
Wise Age
Women’s Budget Group
Local / Regional Organisations
ASLEF District Council No.5
ASLEF Stratford Branch
Barnsley Older People's Community Forum
Chelmsford & District Trades Union Council
Ealing Trades Union Council
GMB - Milton Keynes City Branch
Knowsley Older People’s Voice Steering GroupLloyds
TSB Retired Staff Association (North West)
NPC Anglia Region
NPC Eastern Region
NPC London Region
NPC North West Region
NPC Northern Region
NPC Yorkshire & Humber Region
Preston & District 50+ Forum
Redbridge Pensioners Forum
RMT London Transport Retired Branch
RMT Wessex Retired Members' Branch
Rotherham Pensioners Action Group
Scarborough & District Older Persons' Forum
Slough 50plus Forum
South Glos Over 50's Forum
Suffolk Pensioners Association
Unison - Devon County RM
Unison - Lancashire RMS
Unison - Portsmouth
Unison - West Northamptonshire RMS
Unite - Burnley Brach
Unite - Fylde Coast Branch NW/0520M
Wirral Older People's Parliament