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Annual Review 2023

Writer: National Pensioners ConventionNational Pensioners Convention

Updated: Feb 14, 2024

Throughout 2023 the NPC has continued to campaign for older people in the UK. Our website has details of all our campaigns, policies and published Newsletters, and this review is a summary of key points.

In March, the NPC joined with Independent Age, Age UK and the Centre for Ageing Better in launching a campaign for an independent Commissioner for Older People and Ageing in both England and Scotland. Such Commissioners already exist in Wales and Northern Ireland and their impact has helped older people living in those two areas. The campaign made an immediate impact with a consensus statement getting support from 72 organisations. MPs from different parties expressed their support at a drop in event held in Parliament in April.

The NPC has led the campaign against any further increase in the State Pension Age(68 is too late), following the statutory review. The Government has deferred making a decision on this until after the general election, aware no doubt that people over 50 are more likely to vote. It will be important that the NPC continues this campaign as the potential cost saving seems to be a higher priority for Government than the impact on workers if they have to work longer before receiving their state pension.

On 1 February Dignity Action Day was an opportunity to support older people’s rights to dignity: having enough income to look after yourself properly, a decent home, nutritious food and being able to make your own choices. Many in the UK, old and young, are unable to live with dignity and the NPC also supported the TUC’s “Demand Better” initiative.

Digital inclusion/exclusion continues to be an important issue for older people, and the NPC’s Connections For All campaign aims to end the discrimination against people who are not online, as well as making broadband connections affordable. The NPC continues to raise the issues of the cost of broadband and devices that exclude those without financial means. The NPC has also campaigned on the proposed conversion of all landlines to digital.

An important policy of the NPC remains the campaign for a National Care Service that is funded by taxation and free at the point of need. We have continued to gain support for this policy and our focus is to seek political support ahead of the general election.

As energy prices soared the NPC urged the Regulator, Ofgem, to do more to protect consumers. We opposed the forced installation of pre-payment meters, and have welcomed the review of Standing Charges.

The NPC also supported the successful campaign against the proposed railway booking office closures, as research has consistently shown that older people and people with disabilities would be badly affected.

Last year, the NPC’s Annual Convention in Blackpool returned after four years. The well attended Convention had an opening rally and eight sessions on issues affecting older people. Presentations were given by Tax Justice, End Fuel Poverty, Keep NHS Public and the Digital Poverty Alliance, amongst others. The Convention followed a Special Delegate Conference held the day before to consider changes to the NPC’s Rules and Constitution. The NPC also held a Transport Conference in October which had sessions on rail travel, bus travel and e-scooters.

The NPC issues regular Campaign Bulletins and emails subscribers with information on campaigns and new items. Last year we launched our new magazine, Better Living.

The NPC is the only national campaign group which is run by pensioners for pensioners. We receive regular press and TV coverage on issues affecting older people. The NPC appreciates your continued support. Our financial situation is summarised below, and prompt payment of the affiliation fee would be appreciated. If you are also able to add a donation that would assist us greatly.

Jan Shortt

General Secretary                                      

February 2024 

Financial Summary - Income and Expenditure 2023 (all figures to the nearest £100)


Opening Balance - £50,700

Total Income - £141,600     

Total expenditure - £161,200

Deficit - £19,500

Closing Balance - £31,200


This summary is taken from the unaudited accounts scheduled to be submitted to the Delegate Conference in March 2024, following the independent audit and examination.  A full set of accounts, including the report of the independent examiners, can be obtained from NPC Head Office, once they have been approved.


The final outcome for 2023 was a deficit slightly lower than in 2022, despite the increase in our responses to the continuing and growing pressures on older and retired people.  The financial prospects for future years present challenges to our plans to attract additional funds.


The total income includes £26,000 in donations, £53,800 in affiliation fees and a £30,000 Age UK grant.

National Pensioners Convention - Unit 2.4, 225-229 Seven Sisters Road London, N4 2DA

©2025 by National Pensioners Convention.

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