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Annual Convention 21.09.22

Writer: National Pensioners ConventionNational Pensioners Convention

The National Pensioners’ Convention will host its first live conference in three years on 21s September 2022 in Birmingham.

Pensioner Poverty and Older People’s Rights are the themes of the one day event which will discuss the unprecedented cost of living crisis that is threatening the lives of millions.

Tickets are priced at just £5 and includes a buffet lunch. Spaces are going fast for the event, so you are advised to contact us quickly to avoid disappointment.

Download the registration form

Download the invite and agenda or read it below


You are invited to the National Pensioners’ Convention first live conference in three years on 21st September 2022.

Pensioner Poverty and Older People’s Rights are the themes of the one day event which will discuss the unprecedented cost of living crisis that is threatening the lives of millions.

Speakers will include Lord George Foulkes, the Joint Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Ageing and Older People, and Heléna Herklots, the Older People’s Commissioner for Wales. They will be joined by experts from Age UK, the Equality and Human Rights Commission, the Centre for Ageing Better, and Healthwatch England.

Tickets – priced just £5 including a buffet lunch – are going fast for the event in Birmingham City Council House, so you are advised to contact us fast to reserve your place (see details below).

Rarely has there been a more worrying time for older people than right now, as millions of us face a grim winter of rocketing energy and food prices.

As the UK’s largest campaign group for pensioners, NPC members will gather in Birmingham City Council House next month to discuss how millions fear falling into poverty as we struggle to pay unprecedentedly high bills.

Facing a stark choice between turning on the heating or buying food, it’s predicted many of our oldest and most vulnerable may even lose their lives.

NPC General Secretary Jan Shortt said: “We hope as many of our members as possible join us in Birmingham for this important Annual Convention.

“We know that outrageously high energy and food bills are going to be as big a threat as Covid-19 to our oldest and most vulnerable this Winter. Even the promise of restoring the Triple Lock for a 10% rise on already pitifully low state pensions next Spring, is not going to dent fuel bills that could exceed £6,000 by then. A sum that is two thirds of the new annual state pension, and more than 80% of the old pension which most receive. Who can live on that?”

The convention will also consider issues related to its NPC campaigns, including digital exclusion and the damaging digital-first push that excludes older people who are not online. There will be key discussions on the decrease in public transport that many older people rely on; the increasing difficulties in accessing health and social care; along with the need for more and better quality housing for pensioners, which in turns impacts our health.

Don’t miss out on the chance to air your views -

*REGISTER for a Ticket - £5 including buffet lunch - for the NPC Annual Convention please contact: or write to: NPC, Marchmont Street, London WC1N 1AB by Friday, 9th September 2022.

Please note that there are postal strikes, so if you have sent in a postal form, but haven't received a confirmation from the NPC office, please contact us.



Annual Convention – Birmingham City Council House

10.30am - 4.00pm, Wednesday, 21st September, 2022

10.30am – Registration – Drawing Room -Tea and Coffee.

11.00am – Opening – Banqueting Suite - Rosie Macgregor, President, NPC

11.05am - Welcome to Birmingham - Lord Mayor, Cllr Maureen Cornish JP

11.10am – SESSION 1:

Eat or Heat - the Killer Choice Facing Pensioners this Winter

  • Chair: Rosie MacGregor – President, NPC.

  • Lord George Foulkes – Joint-Chair, APPG, Ageing & Older People.

  • Heléna Herklots CBE - Older People’s Commissioner for Wales.

  • Eorann Lean - Senior External Affairs Manager, AGE UK.

12.30 – LUNCH Drawing Room – Buffet

1.15pm – SESSION 2:

Older People Have Rights Too – but Who is Listening?

2.30 – BREAKTea and Coffee.

2.45pm – SESSION 3:

How Disappearing Services Exclude and Isolate Millions

4.00 – CONCLUSION & ACTIONSGeneral Secretary Jan Shortt



National Pensioners Convention - Unit 2.4, 225-229 Seven Sisters Road London, N4 2DA

©2025 by National Pensioners Convention.

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