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About the NPC
Working Parties
Officers & Staff
The campaigning organisation for older people in the UK
Connections for All 13
Your support could make all the difference
How can I trace my old pensions?
Lobby of Parliament - update
Your Future Matters
How you can help to support the NPC
Winter Fuel Payment campaigner pack
Lobby of Parliament
It’s just so Easy
Pension Credit
NPC Statement on Parliament’s Vote to Cut Universal Winter Fuel Payments
Convention calls on MPs to vote against fuel allowance cuts
Early Day Motion 115
Health & Social Care News - September 24
Rainbow News - Autumn 24
Women's Network Exchange 63
Annual Convention to hear how getting older in the UK is becoming a nightmare for millions
New rise in price cap on energy bills will be the final straw for older and vulnerable this winter
End Digital Poverty Day 2024.
Don't miss out - get your tickets for Blackpool
Quarter of a million sign petition protesting at Winter fuel payment cuts - have you?
Annual Convention 2024 - Programme
NPC General Secretary plea to Chancellor to halt ‘ill-advised’ Winter Fuel Payments means-test plan
NPC calls on all members to write to their MPs in protest at axing of universal Winter Fuel Payments