The campaigning organisation for older people in the UK

Donate to the NPC to help us continue our important work. You can also leave a legacy in your will.
An easy way to raise money for the NPC is to use EasyFundrasing when you shop online. It will not cost you anymore, but the NPC will receive a small donation from the retailer.
Make Your Mark
The real strength of the organisation comes from the work of our many affiliated groups, who are active in their local areas and regions promoting the NPC’s campaigns. This makes the Convention unique, as the only national campaign group in the country which is run by pensioners for pensioners.
To keep our supporters informed the NPC also produces the Campaign! Bulletin newsletter, Working Part newsletters, briefing papers, posters and pamphlets, as well as organising seminars, training sessions and provides speakers at meetings all over the country. The NPC also maintains a library of useful information on a wide range of subjects, which is available to both groups and individuals on request.
With more support the NPC will be able to continue to develop its organisation and strengthen its influence as the campaigning voice of both today’s and tomorrow’s pensioners.
The National Pensioners Convention needs to gather and use certain information about individuals. These can include members, affiliates, suppliers, business contacts, employees and other people the organisation has a relationship with or may need to contact. Our policy and statement how this personal data will be collected, handled and stored to meet the National Pensioners Convention data protection standards, and to comply with the law.