The campaigning organisation for older people in the UK
Terms of Reference
To assess the state of digital inclusion/exclusion across the UK, including the costs and to publicise those successful policies aimed at enabling older people to use new technology.
To determine the issues which are of most concern to older people and present to the EC policies and strategies that ensure these concerns are addressed.
To explore ways in which older people, who cannot, or do not wish to go online are not disadvantaged or discriminated against.
To develop and maintain contacts with other organisations and experts to assist in carrying out this work.
To brief the EC regularly on the working party’s progress.
The NPC Digital WP was set up with a specific aim: to launch a campaign to help more older people get online and ensure those who are not, or are not able to, or choose not to be online, are not disadvantaged or discriminated against.
The Connections for All campaign launched on 1st February 2021 for Dignity Action Day and continues with its twin aims.